Posts tagged social media for nonprofits
Leverage the Power of Influencer Marketing for Nonprofits

Are you battling how to stand out on social media? Are you frustrated with DIY-ing your strategy and tired of over-asking the same group of Instagram followers or donors to support your cause?

Honestly, it’s nearly impossible to stand out online if you don’t have a sustainable strategy and marketing plan tailored to your business. The solution to raising your visibility and your revenue is much simpler than you think.

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The Best Types of Engagement-Boosting Instagram Posts for Nonprofits

Skip the crazy filters and frames on Instagram and optimize your posts to generate more supporters and donors with these 3 essential posts!

Instagram is the perfect place to attract new supporters and generate buzz for your org, but the same old static feed posts aren’t stopping the scroll 🛑

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Is Donor Fatigue Even Real?

If you’ve worked at a nonprofit for more than a few weeks… you’ve probably heard a colleague complain about “donor fatigue.”

It’s an uber-common nonprofit term for “No, we shouldn’t send that email/call/text/social post etc.” because of fear that the donor has been asked to contribute to your org too often and they are going to be turned off, bigtime!

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