Leverage the Power of Influencer Marketing for Nonprofits

Are you battling how to stand out on social media? Are you frustrated with DIY-ing your strategy and tired of over-asking the same group of Instagram followers or donors to support your cause?

it’s nearly impossible to stand out online without have a sustainable strategy and marketing plan tailored to your business. The solution to raising your visibility and your revenue is much simpler than you think.

You can unlock your potential impact with a few easy tips. If you’ve heard about collaborations, you know this is a fantastic strategy to get noticed and funded. Profitable partnerships are proven to be one of the reasons why for-profit businesses earn millions and billions! Who’s to say you can’t do the same for your nonprofit or social impact business?


If you’re an ambitious nonprofit and social enterprise or an established organization, you must check out our course Amplify Social Impact! This value-packed on-demand course will allow you to skyrocket your visibility, mastery of Facebook and Instagram, our content syndication method, Canva templates, time-saving tools, and more!

It’s the difference between going around and around trying the same strategies and realizing you haven’t moved an inch, to attracting perfect fit supporters without paid ads, scaling past revenue plateaus without sacrificing your sweet time and energy, and creating a team of advocates to endorse and champion your organization.


Not only does Amplify Social Impact give you instant access to 7 modules, done-for-you templates, swipe copy, and checklists, but you’ll also get our proven formula to join forces with social media influencers to grow and attract the perfect supporters online. Our course will teach you how to get an “easy yes” through social media posts that urge your clients or donors to take action while saving time to avoid burnout.

THe Power of Influencers and Digital Ambassadors:

Influencers and ambassadors with large followings can become your supporters if you leverage those relationships. You’ll also have 12 months of access to a private Facebook community group for peer support, allowing you to connect with more social impact entrepreneurs and consultants to discover what has or hasn’t worked for them.

After taking our course, many students have gotten noticed, surpassed their fundraising goals, and increased their confidence in retaining new passionate donors. If this speaks to your heart and soul, your cause cannot wait any longer!