The Best Types of Engagement-Boosting Instagram Posts for Nonprofits


Skip the crazy filters and frames on Instagram and optimize your posts to generate more supporters and donors with these 3 essential posts!

Instagram is the perfect place to attract new supporters and generate buzz for your org, but the same old static feed posts aren’t stopping the scroll 🛑

Start weaving in these 3 engagement boosters today:

  1. Carousel Style Posts: create series of 3-5 graphics to swipe through that tells you a succinct, captivating story or fact about a program. Highlight your opinion, unique point of view, or debunk a common myth or stereotype in your sector. The last image or graphic should include a call-to-action (get involved, donate, website URL, etc!)

  2. Stats: Design shareable, thought-provoking graphic stats with Canva. These really help to celebrate your wins and impact. I can hear you saying, “but Christina, I don’t have any stats for my organization!” If you really don’t have any reliable data about your programs or outcomes, lean on expert umbrella organizations like WHO or the CDC to find general stats about your sector. Google is your friend here! Just remember to always site a reliable source.

  3. Video: Start a Q&A livestream series and covert it to IGTV to expand your reach and engagement. Bring on a superstar employee or volunteer to highlight. Or, create a simple reel about a program, new team member, behind-the-scenes moment, or other narrative your community would love. Search for trending audio tracks to go alongside your reel to give your video a huge boost of views as soon as you post (go to the Reels Explore page by clicking the center icon see if you can spot the “trending” arrow).

Here’s the ROI when you prioritize these 3 strategies today:

  1. Re-engaging a quiet follower base: Our tastes change - what worked last year or 4 years ago is not going to engage your audience today. When you activate new content strategies you can “wake up” a stale audience and give engagement a big boost.

  2. Scroll-stopping content: You have to stop the scroll! 🛑 This is a big one! Juicy stats can do this when they are not too wordy and easy for our eye to follow. You can always have a longer form story in the caption itself.

  3. The Almighty Algorithm prioritizes video! With reels and TikTok, we've seen WHY video is so captivating. Our brains love to watch a short story, trick, or little bit of data in a QUICK, fun way. It’s a way to refresh a stale audience and also create mega-shareable content easily. Videos like these are much more likely to be shared by your followers.

But wait… you might need some help for these carousel style posts or finding the perfect template for stats. I’ve got you covered!

In my Canva for Nonprofits course and Template Power Pack  you’ll receive a full training on how to use Canva to create these buzzworthy, high-impact Instagram content pieces AND 25 done-for-you templates designed exclusively for nonprofits!

Want more? Download this free workbook to see my favorite high-impact Instagram posts 👉