3 Marketing Mistakes that mission-driven leaders make (and what to do instead)

Sometimes you know you’re missing the mark, but it’s tough to pinpoint quite how. Luckily for you, here are some easy fixes to help you reach your fundraising goals and reach more people!

Mistake #1: Watering down you!

The problem with this is your voice and message are way too broad and not resonating with your supporters. Your mission is specific and unique! Why try to sound like anything else? The solution is to write stories that are uniquely yours. Step into your own expertise and allow your mission to shine. This isn’t the time to be humble. Now’s the time to brag about your accomplishment and shine a light on how your supporters can help.

Mistake #2. Bury the Ask.

Your call to action isn’t front and center, which is a problem. And when you DO ask, it’s more of a whisper. The solution is simple! Decide that every “no” gets you closer to a “YES!" I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that it takes X number of “no”s to get one “yes”.

Also remember that sometimes a “no” is just a “not now”.

You can’t get a “Yes!” without a big bold ask.

Mistake #3. Insisting on perfection.

This problem is the most insidious, time-waster.  “Perfection” keeps your mission from impacting millions. While it might seem like if you word your email just right, or make sure your social posts are eye-grabbing, often this can keep you from sharing anything. The solution?

Remember done is better than perfect.

Give yourself grace and go!

Don’t let diluting your message, story, and the big ask cost you big $$!

The best news is that is gets easier to write your story, craft the appeal, make the pitch when you stop watering down you.

When you step into your thought-leadership and allow your mission to shine, you’re more decisive and attract the exact right-fit donors supporters and clients.

Want to accelerate your impact? Book a free discovery call with me here.