Have you been "quiet quitting" without realizing it?


The phrase “quiet quitting” has been in the headlines a lot in recent months. This refers to people doing the exact work needed to perform their job, without going above and beyond. They do only what their job description entails, only during business hours, and not an ounce more.

Long before quiet quitting made headlines in the corporate world, it's been rampant in our sector.

The inner voice of quiet quitting sounds like:

It's not working.

They don't want to meet me.

I should bother setting up this meeting.

I can't ask again.

They aren't interested.

Quiet quitting is everywhere in nonprofits and for-profits.

As a leader, it's so easy to fill your day with STUFF.

You "look" (and feel) busy.

But, you’ve been quiet-quitting on your mission all along.

By dulling down your outreach.

By avoiding outreach -- you're deciding FOR them.

By excluding donors and clients from the conversation.

They may want the exact solution or community you offer!

Being willing to hear a no... a maybe... or hell-yes is the point. Don't decide for them. Let there be rejection. Let there be wins. Watch the traction and momentum pour in.

I recently hosted an Outreach workshop to provide actionable goals and strategies to give you the kickstart and accountability you need to grow.

You get to decide what kind of Outreach to focus on:

👉 Your Outreach goal may be pitching a new story to the local media, podcast, or print magazine

👉 Reaching out to major donors or funders that you've avoided

👉 New partnerships, corporations, or sponsors that could transform your org

In Outreach Week, you'll learn how to build valuable relationships with ease. Sign up for just $97 here.

Get all the details about Outreach Week here.

Who should attend Outreach Week?

Nonprofit or social impact founders, leaders, fundraisers, marketers, or small business owners. If you're a nonprofit or purpose-driven brand, this is for you!   

Here's what to expect:

  • The 6W's Method to Design a Simple (and irresistible) Outreach Plan

  • Making Aligned Asks by Going Upstream

  • Optimizing CTAs and Landing Page audits

  • Overcoming Common Roadblocks

  • Failing Forward into Belief + Action

Join me and create a year-end outreach plan that forever changes the way you build your business.

Get instant access to Outreach Week for $97 here 💃🏻