The secret to massive change (& it isn't what you think)


Last year I did my first "Aqua Therapy Circuit." Aka, a voluntary-torture where you alternate between hot/cold therapies (sauna, hot tub, ice bath, repeat) in a short period of time in the name of wellness. 😅

My jaw clenched. My lips tightened. I felt dread.   

I could barely get ankle-deep in the ice bath.

I wondered, "Why am I even doing this?!"

me vs the ice-bath 🥶

The entire experience was totally different. 

I willingly plunged into the ice-cold water multiple times throughout the circuit.

Chin-deep, y'all.

In the room was an intimate group of women, ankle-deep, hurriedly running through the icy pool... watching me in disbelief. One chimed in, "Damn, you're good at that!"

With that tone of wtf-envy-curiosity, all-in-one. I understood. I'd been there too!

I shared my secret.

The truth was... I hadn't been practicing this circuit. I hadn't been in the room in a year.

How could I have improved so much year-over-year? 

I told them, "I talk to myself. I talk to myself the entire time. Through it."

So, instead of going ankle-deep and saying "ow-ow-omg-oww! this is awful!"

I remember that my body feels amazing after this circuit and I honor that.

It's worth it.

I talked to myself the entire time.

I said, "this is going to heal me."

"I can do 7 more seconds.” 

"I can handle discomfort."

"This is worth it."

And it's a night-and-day experience. 

What I was really doing was coaching myself. 

It's been the secret to enjoying the journey instead of white-knuckling myself to the finish line.

Curious about how you could change your results, fast-track that big goal, and experience massive change? Book a free discovery call with me here.