15 Essential Reads for every brilliant changemaker


This past year I’ve read and listened to some life-changing podcasts and audiobooks, and dog-eared the pages of my new favorites. With that said, here’s my list of favorite reads of the year…. with a caveat!

Some of these books were released in 2021, while others were not! Maybe I discovered them in 2021, or re-read them this year. This list includes links to shop at my favorite online independent book seller and includes affiliate links which means I can make a commission at no extra cost to you).

  1. We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers

    If your money mindset needs a swift kick in the pants, this book is for you! Whether it’s how you were raised or a healthy dose of imposter syndrome, Rachel shares her journey to becoming a self-made millionaire.

  2. Soundtracks by John Acuff

    Ready for the secret to the universe? How you talk to yourself and whether you believe the thoughts you think (aka Soundtracks) is everything. Humans think over 6,200 PER DAY. Some of them are moving you forward towards your goals, while others are a great, big ball-and-chain. John is a master at rewiring the way you think and fast-tracking your success… plus, he’s pretty damn witty too.

  3. The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

    Whether you’re trying to deepen your relationships with friends, volunteers, stakeholders, board members, or your digital community, how… and why we gather is everything. Priya explains the art of creating community and events that transform and deepen relationships in person (and online).

  4. Upstream by Dan Heath

    The entrepreneur and organizational guru in me loved this book. As a consultant, often when I begin working with brands, it’s maddening that the same problems, inefficiencies, and mistakes happen year after year. Dan shares real life examples of how to reimagine the framework and roadmap for your business to change the shape of your business.

  5. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

    Part woo-woo, part tactical examples, this is a oldie-but-goodie must read! Whether you’re a founder, leader, or work for a powerful social impact business or nonprofit, this book will help reignite your “why” and show you how to live boldly.

  6. Business Made Simple by Donald Miller

    Any good marketer will tout the works of Donald Miller, the popular speaker, strategist, and storyteller. If you’re feeling like the well is dry when it comes to writing, storytelling, or managing a team… this book is for you.

  7. Think Again by Adam Grant

    You’ve probably pinned an Adam Grant quote or shared a tweet of his on Instagram stories. Adam is a organizational psychologist, TED Speaker, and one of my favorite podcast hosts. He shares that “learning to rethink may be the secret skill to give you the edge in a world changing faster than ever.”

  8. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

    Another oldie-but-goodie. I adore Elizabeth Gilbert (you may know her from the Eat Pray Love craze of the early 2000s) and her storytelling will surely take you a place of wonder, creativity, and passion.

  9. Building Brand Communities by Carrie Melissa Jones and Charles H. Vogl

    The art & science of building a truly engaged digital community. Not a buzzword, but one where members have a foundation of trust, values, and a place to connect. Carrie is a powerful thought leader that distills her craft in an approachable way.

  10. A Carnival of Snackery by David Sedaris

    Want to become a powerful storyteller? Start reading the greats! It’s not all so serious, right? Highly recommend you come up for air in your life/work/family and enjoy the hilarity that is David Sedaris. Find me another writer that can have you laughing out loud to yourself, misty-eyed, nearly having peed your pants. He’s a gift to the world and I love him.

  11. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

    Feel like you’ve been living your life a little quietly, cautiously, or like a “lite” version? Glennon is a champion at helping us all discover our inner-self. Her vulnerability right out of the gate will have you deeply engaged and ready to unleash your inner cheetah!

  12. Get Untamed: The Journal by Glennon Doyle

    The companion piece to the book. It’s more of a workbook than a journal per-se with tons of prompts and deep-dives into becoming your loudest, boldest self.

  13. Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher

    Sure, sure… you’ve read about meditation. Maybe you’ve even downloaded a meditation app or worked on some mindset affirmations. Emily is bringing out the big guns with a clear plan of how (and why) you should meditate 2x a day and the exact process to do it, designed for high achievers like you!

  14. Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement by Tarana Burke

    Tarana is the founder of the Me Too movement, but when I heard her interview with Glennon Doyle and Abby Womach, I was blown away. She’s a force. As Brené Brown shared, “Sometimes a single story can change the world. Unbound is one of those stories.” Agreed.

  15. Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown

    At the time of writing this, this book has just been released, so I can’t tell you what’s in it, except that Brene Brown is the leader of all leaders when it comes to brave, daring leadership. Just buy and read this book. You’ll be better for it.

  16. BONUS BOOK: After I finished this list, I realized a really fabulous read was missing. While this isn’t necessary for leaders or social impact folks, I want you to know about it! Body Talk: How to Embrace Your Body and Start Living Your Best Life by Katie Sturino. Part story, part workbook, this is a deep dive in unpacking (and releasing) so many of the norms we were raised to believe are true about women’s bodies, self-talk, and unproductive brain-chatter. Katie is a wildly successful entrepreneur, hilarious writer, and powerful advocate for body inclusivity. Go follow her on Instagram and than me later!