3 Things Your Nonprofit Should Be Doing on Instagram NOW!


Recently I was interviewed for a digital and print newsletter that’s distributed to thousands of nonprofit leaders and volunteer managers across the country.

They wanted me to talk about Instagram…

You might be thinking... what do volunteer retention and instagram have to do with each other?

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Canva for Nonprofits E-Course + Template Pack: Click here for details!

30 minutes of chatting with the writer had me excited and totally dialed in about what organizations SHOULD be doing (but aren't) on that social platform.

We talked about the reality that some people don't want to admit:

Nonprofits are often the LAST to adopt trends and tools that are time savers and revenue generators!

I got particularly passionate when I talked about cultivating and stewarding a younger audience... that if you don't do this now... 5, 10 years from now... what's the plan?! 

Your volunteers and donors... well, it will continue to be very one-note.

Here are the 3 Types of Posts that you should be doing on Instagram (but aren't!) 

  1. Using Carousel Style Posts: a series of 3-5 graphics or images that users can swipe through that tells you a succinct, captivating story or fact about a program. The last image or graphic should include a call-to-action (get involved, donate, website URL, etc!)

  2. Stats: Making shareable, thought provoking graphic stats with Canva. I can hear you saying, “but Christina, I don’t have any stats for my organization!” If you really don’t have any reliable data about your programs or outcomes, lean on expert umbrella organizations like WHO or the CDC to find general stats about your sector or niche.

  3. Livestream Video: Start a Q&A livestream series and covert it to IGTV to expand your reach and engagement. Bring on a superstar employee or volunteer to highlight.


  1. Fresh Content: Our tastes change - what worked last year or 4 years ago is not going to engage your audience today. While I’ll for “batching” content… rinse & repeat posts isn’t going to cut it!

  2. Captivate Your Audience: You have to stop the scroll! This is a big one! Juicy stats can do this when they are not too wordy and easy for our eye to follow. You can always have a longer form story in the caption itself.

  3. The Algorithm prioritizes video! With reels and TikTok, we've seen WHY video is so captivating. Our brains love to watch a short story, trick, or little bit of data in a QUICK, fun way. It’s a way to refresh a stale audience and also create mega-shareable content easily. Videos like these are much more likely to be shared by your followers.

But wait… you might need some help for these carousel style posts or finding the perfect template for stats. I’ve got you covered! In my Canva for Nonprofits course and Template Power Pack, you’ll receive a full training on how to use Canva to create these buzzworthy, high-impact Instagram content pieces AND 25 done-for-you templates designed exclusively for nonprofits! Enroll here!