Ep 20: Amplify Social Impact: Course Tour & Case Studies


Amplify Social Impact: Course Tour & Case Studies


I’m sharing actual stories and a behind-the-scenes look at the curriculum, results, and framework of my course, Amplify Social Impact, in today's episode.
Amplify Social Impact solves the visibility and influence problem with ease. Revenue growth becomes inevitable. 

 Here's what a typical org looks like before joining:

  • Burned out and frustrated that online fundraising just doesn't work for them

  • Stuck in compare-and-despair seeing other missions get funded and wondering, "why not us?!"

  • Time-strapped and DIY-ing a marketing strategy that isn't working

After Amplify Social Impact: 

  • Time-abundant: you'll get your time back after you start your first Social Street Team to champion your cause and leverage their networks for you!

  • Energized: remember that feeling of why you chose to do this meaningful work? Feel more renewed and creatively invigorated than ever before, ready to start new marketing campaigns (instead of dreading them!)

  • Uplifted: The silos are over! You finally have a group of advocates and ambassadors who want to align their values with yours! win-win

Enrollment is open for a limited time! Sign up and save $200 here: www.splendidcourses.com/asi

Watch the full course tour video here.

Resources mentioned:


You Get To Have Purpose And Profit. I’ll Show You How.