The Missing Part of Your Instagram Strategy

Instagram is such a powerhouse for brands and nonprofits alike, but the content and community is ever-evolving.

The types of posts that performed REALLY WELL a few years ago fall flat today. Remember all those crazy filters and frames we used to use?! 😳

And now, video is so critical to your content strategy, but there's a lot of resistance to doing it.

I get it.

It seems time consuming or awkward or like new tech you have to learn. So many people avoid being "on camera."

Years ago, I felt the same way about Instagram stories. A resistance to moving to video and incorporating into weekly content. 

But, IG stories has really evolved to be one of the places a majority of users spend the most time consuming content. 

Today, it's actually quicker and easier to pop a quick IG story up or host a Livestream than a traditional feed post. 

More than 500 Million People Watch Instagram Stories Daily (source: Instagram)

So, if it's not part of your weekly content strategy, you're seriously missing out on growing your audience.

This is where partnerships are developed, stories are shared and leveraged with a new audience. This is where the ✨ magic✨ happens.

New followers=new supporters! 

Why does it matter? Well, so many nonprofits come to me with an unbalanced donor base... most of their individual donors are one generation (think: Baby Boomers or GenX). 

Reliable donors are great and all, but when your eggs are all in one basket like that... well, it's the REASON why your org isn't scaling efficiently or effectively. 

Cultivating a NEW donor base takes time. Think of it like compound interest. 

What you do today paves the way for your nonprofit's success tomorrow. 

Fostering a new group of younger donors NOW is critical to scaling and sustaining your revenue base in years to come. 

Click here to uncover your most profitable donor profile!

Click here to uncover your most profitable donor profile!

It's like saving for retirement, but ONLY buying individual stocks from one company over and over again. We've got to diversify, people! 

Take a look at your current donor base AND your current Instagram content. Do the align? If not, where's the disconnect? Are you devoting resources to growing a loyal community online?

If you are investing in IG, but not seeing the results you want, that's a hint that your content isn't landing. It's video time. Start with a goal of weekly Instagram stories and at a few feed videos each month. 

The best part of incorporating video is that it doesn't have to be highly produced. On-the-go is perfect for this platform! Casual and authentic reign here.... and don't forget to have some fun with it!