Planning an Online Auction or Virtual Event? Read this first.


A few weeks ago I received an e-invite from a favorite org inviting me to attend a virtual auction. It included the name of the event, date, time, and zoom link. Sounds good, right?

I read… and re-read the invite and still had no idea what the event was about. The title of the event was really confusing.

Click here to download!

Click here to download!

The event name included a dollar amount. It was hard to discern if the dollar amount was their fundraising GOAL or their minimum bid for the auction items. Or, I wondered… the cost of the ticket to attend?

There was such a minimal description of the event itself that I couldn’t have any of my questions answered.

Here’s the thing: Any time you are about to launch a new event, campaign, fundraiser, auction…

Read your copy and look at your invite with fresh eyes. Like a newbie to your organization.

Does it make sense? Is it easy to understand?

A day before the virtual event, I received another email with some additional info. Here’s what I figured out: they were talking (in their copy) to people who were VERY familiar with their nonprofit. They were talking to longtime donors and supporters. I’ve been on their list for one year. I’m still learning about who they are and what they do. It was all very over-my-head, internal-organization speak.

The takeaway: your copy and creative should be inclusive of all of your members, stakeholders, or people on your list.

While you can’t (and shouldn’t) explain everything you do in each email or invite, it should make sense to a new subscriber or new member.

Do this: Run the title or campaign name past a FRIEND not affiliated with your org and see if it makes sense to them.

Make sure you accurately and succinctly explain your WHY: what’s the reason for the event? What is the primary goal? Why will it be fun to attend?

You’ve got this!

What’s next? In my free, on-demand workshop, the 3 Keys to a Buzzworthy & Profitable Online Fundraiser, I take a deeper dive into this concept and how to apply it to your nonprofit. Watch it instantly, here.