5 Ways for Nonprofits + Social Enterprise Businesses to Partner Together

I’m ever-passionate about nonprofits and social enterprise businesses partnering together to make a massive impact. More and more, we’re seeing nonprofits and “for-profits” businesses partner together to create social change, fundraise, or raise awareness.

Let’s talk about 5 Easy Ways Your Nonprofit or Social Impact Business Can Partner Together:

  1. Giving Tuesday: If you’re a nonprofit, now is the time to ask for-profit businesses to share your message, partner with you, and help you fundraise on the most-fun global day of giving! If you’re a social impact business, identify a nonprofit partner to align with this Giving Tuesday. Share their posts to your Instagram stories, include their mission in your weekly e-blast, and tell YOUR subscribers why you love this org.

  2. Proceeds-Driven Partnerships: Maybe you have a for-profit business that gives back 10% of all revenue to a nonprofit… OR maybe you’d like to host a weekend, one-day event, or some other time period to generate donations on behalf of your partnership. The sky’s the limit on what makes sense for your brand, timing, and audience.

  3. Story Swaps: How about guest-posting, guest Instagram-storying (is that a word?!), or going live with your favorite nonprofit or social enterprise? You’re both passionate about doing good in this world and opening up a conversation with each other’s audiences is a great way to step outside your bubble!

  4. Donation Drives: Step in to help your favorite org secure more of what they need! That might be a diaper drive, winter coat drive, and so on. Have conversations with local nonprofits and ask them first! See what’s at the top of their list and let your community know how they can help.

  5. Think outside the box: Some of the best partnerships might not be as linear as you think! Have fun with designing a partnership that fits your individual organization and needs. This might be a grassroots in-person partnership or something completely digital like a free Q&A webinar, trivia night, or something fun your audiences would both enjoy.