The Playbook for a Successful Remote-Run Nonprofit

By now you’ve probably had a Zoom call or two.

Watched a webinar or a Facebook Live.

Thought about hosting an upcoming fundraiser virtually.

The playbook for nonprofit fundraising virtually as yet to be written.

Here’s what you should consider:

  1. Make It Captivating: If you’re hosting ANYTHING on Zoom, Skype, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or a webinar… it better captivate. What value are you offering? Maybe it’s fun. Some levity we all need. Or, maybe a timely, newsworthy update. A special guest Q&A with a favorite partner org, champion, or leader. Try not to read from a “script” — be real, be authentic, and even a little informal!

  2. Make It Easy: Your community shouldn’t have to click through multiple links to arrive at the destination. If it’s a Facebook Live, send an e-blast out with a direct link to watch. Remind them a few minutes before the segment. Make it easy! Is there an option for a replay if they missed it? Can they submit questions ahead of time? Ease of use and participation is everything!

  3. Fundraising: If there is an online auction, try One Cause, Give Smart, or Bidding Owl. How else can people support your organization? If you don’t have a “DONATE” Sticker for Facebook and Instagram… get one today! Sign up to for a Donate sticker here.

  4. Have a Plan: While I wouldn’t suggest reading from a script, a list of bulleted notes can be helpful to keep the flow of a livestream interesting and engaging. Ask your community to ask questions during the live, offer a Q&A at the end, or submit questions ahead of time via email or DM.

  5. Save It! This is a huge one. Make sure you save or download the livestream so you can allow your community to watch it on-demand. Most people WANT to watch your livestream, but might not be available at noon on Thursday. They plan to watch it later that day, so again, make it easy for them. A reminder email, Instagram story, or social post saying “Watch today’s Facebook Q&A with Superstar Volunteer Dani, here <link>”

Ready for some extra credit?

Start a weekly live series. Same time. Same place. Each week with your organization, talking about a specific topic, point of impact, update, behind-the-scenes, announcement or guest speaker.

In my free, on-demand workshop, the 3 Keys to a Buzzworthy & Profitable Online Fundraiser, I take a deeper dive into this concept and how to apply it to your nonprofit. Watch it instantly, here.