Splendid Spotlight with Muriel Vega of New Story Charity


New Story Charity is a non-profit that is pioneering solutions to end global homelessness. Muriel is the Software Operations Manager, leading support and communications for New Story's software tools.

In this week’s Splendid Spotlight, I spend time with my good friend Muriel Vega, of New Story Charity.

We’ve known each other for many years, and when you made this exciting switch from the for-profit to the nonprofit world I knew it was a special type of non-profit. New Story Charity is definitely that type of organization. It’s quite different from what we think of as a traditional non-profit. It’s taking the “old way” of doing things and spinning it into a new direction.

So tell us about New Story and what you do there. 

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New Story is a definitely different kind of non-profit. To simplify, we are pioneering solutions to end global homelessness. It looks different than what you may expect. We have a 3D community in Mexico, which you can read more about on our website. We’re also very excited to have a documentary on Apple+ “Home”, we are episode 9. So please check that out as well!

Our main focus is to figure out how to build more homes affordably. Make sure we get the most families into homes, with the least amount of money possible. And to share the knowledge we learn! I feel this isn’t a very common practice in the nonprofit world. We’re all about sharing knowledge.

I’m a part of the tech team for New Story. I handle communications support and all the craziness that goes along with that and keep the tech team going!

If you compare the team page of New Story to most other non-profits, it is wildly different! You talk about software and heading up the tech team and that speaks to how different New Story is structured. Talk to me about the software aspect?

Yes! I’d love to! We have a lot of internal tools we use and one important tool is one we use to survey families on the ground, to learn more about them and qualify them for a home. We make sure we are keeping track of impact over time so we can understand what the family actually needs. We don’t want to get them into a home and then not follow up. We want to know how we can build a community they love to live in!

 A great example of this use of survey is, a while back, we hosted a workshop with these families in this community. We had planned to put the marketplace in the middle of the town, so more people could be closer to it. But the families disagreed! They wanted it closer to the road so they could serve as vendors and host vendors. This is something we wouldn’t have assumed if we hadn’t spoken with the people in this community. We can see the impact over time, in their sense of community and pride in their community.

Another software we have is our donation platform! If you join The Neighborhood, you’ll get to experience it. Built completely from scratch, The Neighborhood is our monthly giving program. Our first major project was, during the height of Covid, a temporary rent relief project. We’ve since moved on to different projects and goals, but we were able to help families in Atlanta and San Francisco.

Most non-profits use third-party platforms for their donation programs, but New Story is all-in-one, which is awesome.

We try to do that, but we always find custom made is always a better fit for us. Our tech team is incredible and makes it happen!

Tell me, what is your favorite thing about your role?

I love working with our partners in Mexico, El Salvador and Haiti. Making sure they are using the tools correctly and can be successful and complete their survey of the families in their community. We work with established charities in these areas that have that established trust in the area and understand the needs of these families. We’re just there to provide resources and empower them to do more. I work with our Impact Team and we work together with these partners.

I love that while I usually associate New Story with the countries you mentioned, during 2020 you pivoted to help families in Atlanta and San Francisco. 

 Let’s fast forward 5 years, what are you doing and what is New Story doing?

I feel like my role shifts slightly every quarter, so I don’t know what I’ll be doing in 5 years. I feel like we are always looking to the future and looking for ways to do better for the communities we serve.

We’re definitely focused right now, full on, in Mexico. We’re working to have one million people housed by 2030. That’s our goal. And to house them for less than $1000 per person. Innovating how to build more affordably is key. We’re working towards funding more homes, and supporters can get involved in making that happen by joining The Neighborhood. And building homes that will allow that family to stay for generations. 

A good roof over their heads can improve so many aspects of their lives. Job security, sleep, mental health, even the children’s schooling, are all improved by having that stable home. 

What was a favorite social media post, online fundraiser, movement that you’ve seen an organization do that really hit home with you?

One of the things I love about New Story is whenever we hit an obstacle we’re never afraid to think outside the box to work the problem. For example, we usually host fundraising galas in Atlanta and San Francisco. With Covid, of course, we couldn’t do that. So we had an online fundraiser last November called House Party. It was an incredible experience! Our branding team knocked it out of the park. Our tech team created a way to donate directly on the live stream. We all came together to make this happen and it was amazing! We raised more than a million dollars! In an hour!! 

 That’s my favorite too!! That’s amazing. I love that you have a diverse donor base as well, across a variety of age groups. 

Housing is a big deal and support for ending homelessness is universal. There are approximately 1.6 billion unhoused people in the world. And we’re working to change that, bit by bit.

Tell us one thing that makes your job easier.

My pro-tip would be to surround yourself with people who work like you and have the same energy. Sort of like the Shine Theory, they help you shine, you help them shine. Everything is collaborative. Nurturing those relationships. Start-up culture can be toxic, so surround yourself with good humans. 

One of the unique things about New Story is how quickly you’ve grown! So many non-profits don’t see this kind of growth in a decade and you’ve exploded in a way that is truly impressive. That has its challenges, but you’ve managed it very well. And your innovation has brought you through it. 

It all starts at the top. If it’s not from the top, it won’t change. And making sure people actually believe you when you say you have an open door policy.

Finish this sentence, more non-profits should be….?

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Transparent! I didn’t realize that so many of the nonprofits I’d supported, which had really impressive social media, I don’t really know where my money is going.

I love knowing what the money these nonprofits collect goes towards. For example, Georgia 55, was doing amazing work with the recent election. The funds are going towards snacks, volunteers. While I don’t need to know exactly every dollar is going, having some information is very important. At New Story, transparency is extremely important for us. We will tell you exactly where your money is going. What community and what family it’s helping. 

Seeing that Stats of Impact, as a donor or potential donor, can make or break people deciding to contribute to a cause. It’s very tangible and visual. Not seeing it can be a huge turn off. It’s worth the effort to make all of this information transparent. Set yourself up for success and start collecting that data early. 

 Let us know how we can get involved and learn more!

Yes! Follow us on instagram @NewStoryCharity and join The Neighborhood. You will be helping families in Mexico get into homes.

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