Ep. 103: Master Grant Writing with These Strategies from World-Renowned Grant Writing Expert, Holly Rustick

I’m excited to have a repeat guest on the show today, Holly Rustick. In our conversation, we discuss the significant advantages of hiring freelance grant writers over staff members, and the strategic approach necessary for success in this field.

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Ep. 97: Channeling Unwavering Belief to Accomplish Your Goal

When was the last time you used this same sense of urgency and momentum when communicating with your donors? Tune into this full episode to hear how you can overcome embarrassment and other mindset blocks to step into this mindset of unwavering belief to watch your organization grow and grow some more.

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Ep. 92: Soothe Your Stress With Havening® and Iffermations feat. Karena of Hello Inner Light

 If you have ever tried meditation, affirmations, or thought work and felt like something was missing, you're really going to love today's episode because of the way that Karena teaches this process of somatic healing and just Havening® to relieve stress.

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