Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Email Metrics

Isn't it funny how one little unsubscribe can feel like a punch in the gut?

You want your community to be filled with people who are genuinely excited to be there. But holding onto every subscriber too tightly can keep you stuck in a people-pleasing loop, instead of connecting with your true supporters.

This is why in the Easy Emails Method, we dedicate an entire module to the metrics that matter — and guess what? It’s not unsubscribes.

Tip #1: Focus on the Right Metrics

Open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and responses are the key revenue indicators.

These metrics reflect the true engagement and interest of your audience. Recently, while reviewing the metrics my team put together, I noticed something was off.

🚩 There was a sudden spike in unsubscribes — hundreds in a single day.

🚩 This was way out of the norm for my business, which has been running smoothly for over a decade.

My primitive brain jumped in with fear-based, inner critic thoughts:

  • Everyone hates me.

  • I must have sent a really terrible email.

  • How embarrassing.

  • I give up.

So, I shut my laptop and took a breather.

Later that day, feeling more neutral, I revisited the data. Something didn’t add up. Was it a glitch in my CRM? The math wasn’t mathing. Instead of spiraling into panic, I became curious and sent a screen recording to my CRM support, asking for help.

The response was quick: it was a tech glitch caused by a recent update between Microsoft and my CRM that hadn't yet been resolved internally.

OHHHHH. IT WAS A TECH GLITCH. It wasn’t personal.

This was a powerful reminder that data doesn’t have to be charged with emotion! It’s math, not drama. How you manage negative emotions, unexpected changes, or rejection is crucial for finding joy in your work and accelerating your growth, rather than fixating on distant goals.

Tip #2: Follow Your Intuition and Channel Your Inner Detective

When the math doesn’t make sense, ask for help. It took courage to do this because I knew that I might not get the outcome I wanted. But approaching the problem with curiosity instead of fear made all the difference.

Tip #3: Embrace Neuroplasticity

Brains are neuroplastic. You can reframe or redirect your thoughts and activate a growth mindset (or a boost of Main Character Energy) to get you through moments like these.

Tip #4: Take a Break!

When you’re feeling dysregulated or rejected, it’s okay to walk away. Take a breather, listen to a podcast, text a friend, or watch silly videos on TikTok. What feels impossible in the moment often becomes manageable after taking some space from the initial setback.

Next time you experience a moment of inner-catastrophizing, pull from the tips above to coach yourself through it — and fast-track your email growth with the Easy Emails Method. Get instant access to the #1 email marketing course for nonprofits here.

Christina Edwards