Stop emailing your list monthly (and do this instead)


Recently, my favorite Facebook ads strategist, Claire Pelletreau, posted a video talking about the importance of sending emails to your list wayyy more often than you think you should. 

I've talked about how distracted we are in every moment of the day (you might even be "doing" 3 different things while you read this very email), so getting your audience's attention takes more effort than ever.

 But, the effort doesn't have to be an uphill battle.

It can be simple. 

It starts with sending MORE emails to your audience. 

It's the same thing with social media. If you post content 4 days per week, your followers will probably see just 1 or 2 of your posts.

 More often than I'd like to admit, I'll see an Instagram post or read an email that has me saying to myself.... "I want that!" ... be it an event ticket, product, program or service.

 And then I'll get a text, another email, a last minute meeting, or my kiddos pining for snacks 10 minutes before dinner...  something pops up and I don't take action. 

In that situation, just one more email reminder would easily make the sale/donation/social action.

 One email makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

 But, many of us are worried about "burning out our audience." 

Remember, they signed up on your list for a reason, right? 

They want to find out more about what you do, offer, your services, or products... so, let them in!

The *best* part about this is keeping it simple. A follow-up email to your list or reminder social post doesn't have to be a long, winding, effortful endeavor. 

We're all distracted and busy, remember?

Keep it short, fun, add a gif or image to grab your audience's attention and GO!

So, how often should you email your list? That depends on your goals. Are you in a sales/promo cycle? Are you kicking off a fundraiser? It’s time to ramp up!

Why? These 3 goals are accomplished when you email more often:

  1. Breakthrough distraction

  2. It increases urgency

  3. Repetition (see Rule of Seven)

For what I would call evergreen content (not promoting a specific call to action), weekly is a great cadence to start!

I detail more about what types of email you should send (and how often) in this Youtube Video here.